How do we met [part ii]

Hi you..eheeee...selamat datang kembali! ;p Macam yakin ja baa ada orang baca..uhuuu..adaka pembaca?

Weekend again kan?weeee...pity me! It's like an ages suda ni tida jumpa shopping mall.. =.= Tapi, never mind laa..I'm not goin to complaint on how boring my weekend is but as i said in my previous entry, i will continue to complete the story..Harap-harap teda la yang meluat @ mau muntah baca ni..huuuuuu

....The moments that i remembered most are we secretly wrote a letters to each other..Posmennya mesti laa anak buah sa yang masih kecil time tu..haha..Paling lucu bila kami kedapatan bertulis-tulis surat and i can't suruh my anak buah to hand over the letter to him anymore so i gave it by myself through the window..ahaha..Itu pun tapuk-tapuk takut kedapatan lagi. It's not that my cousin forbid me to be friend with him tapi sa malu..hahaha..We talked through phone sometimes and i realized that i do felt something towards him. Well, he was kind of a guy yang memang pandai mengayat and me yang masih belia remaja [chehh...haha] memang la cepat tergugat.hehe..But, the feelings doesn't have a chance to grow bigger. As the time flies away and my school holidays are over, i went back to Kota Marudu and we never met again.

The holidays over so did our friendship and the feelings too. No more letters, no more phone calls. 2 month in school already makes me completely forgot about him. And 2 month later, i've been in a relationship with someone that i fall in love aka my 1st love [..maybe ;p]. The relationship went ok ok also sehingga laa dia masuk Matriculation in KK. I was in form 6 that time and we argued a lot over and over again. After my STPM, he decided to dumped me for another girl that he claimed as his true love..WTH! Tapi inda juga dia terkahwin sama tu perempuan sebab she choose another guy and get married..huhu..

Okeh, back to the story...2 years ago [2010], I was still in Uni and Facebook quite popular among the students included me.heeee...On April that year, i got a friend request from someone and lives in KL. I never expected him as someone that i knew but his name quite familiar so i approved his request.

That was his first post on my wall be continue!

Curious? hahaa..wait for my next post, okeh. I'm so sleepy.. *yawn* Till then, ciou~