Day 6

30 interesting facts about me? Weee, i lovesssssssssssss this topic..hehehe..

#1. My original name is Lucy. My mom told me that she named me Lucy but the nurse heard it wrong and wrote Nancy..
#2. I admired a boy when i was in Kindergarten..hehe
#3. My first kiss was stolen when i was in primary 1. Urghhhhhh..
#4. I punched my class monitor on his face and he lost his teeth..A day after, he transferred to another school in Kota Belud...hahaha..ganasnya sa kan? :D
#5. I got my first love letter when i was in primary 6. He was soooo cute (^__^)
#6. I got a secret admired when i was in form 1 and he was my classmate.. He will leave a letter on my desk everyday.
#7. I fought with girlfriend when i was in form 2..siap teriak-teriak lagi di koridor sekolah..nasib laa nda betarik rambut..hehe..
#8. I admire a guy next door when i was in form 4 tapi dia dah ada girlfriend time tu and she was my bestfriend..uhuuuu...frust juga laa. :((
#9. My first job was a part-time waitress and i was only 16. And time tu laa sa berkenalan dengan encik tunang sa sekarang..heeeeee
#10. I fell in love when i was 17 (first love i guess..) and he dumped me on my 20th birthday..huhu..

#11. I have 3 gorgeous mom ( biological mom, step-mom, mom-in-law) and i love them much!!
#12. I love foods. That is why i'm getting rounder and rounder everyday..hahhaa.. I eat what i want and stop when i want.. :D
#13. I can't eat tuhau and seafoods with shell..idk why.uhuuu..
#14. I love country-life rather than living in the city. Country girl all the way..yehawwwww! ;p
#15. I love reading. Once i started, will never stop until it's last full stop..lupa makan, lupa mandi, lupa laki..ehhheeee...nda la baa.
#16. I sleep with headphones and a blasting music.
#17. I love natures.Sunset. Beach. Landscape.
#18. I usually wear jeans and top. Sometimes jeans with polo t'shirt. Sometimes short pants and top. And i don't wear heels. Some people said i'm old fashion, x tau bfesyen, ketinggalan zaman (kejamnya u!!). I know fashion..I love trendy cloths..but i just wear what makes me comfortable and suits me. p/s : x payah la bfesyen kalu bikin sakit mata jak..heeee..
#19. I hate wearing skirts and my wardrobe is skirts-free zone..
#20. I love my eyes, hair and nails :D

#21. I hate math the most. And i got bad grade for that subject...weeeeee...
#22. I love kids :D Later in the future,i will owned my own nursery.Amen!
#23. I can't pronounce 'R' in a proper way.. its sound like 'al'.. :(
#24. I can't sing!hahaha..i do loves music but i'm not a good singer..if karaoke'ing, sure will makes u deaf.. ;P
#25. I can't play any instruments..except for gong.wakakkaa..If i got a chance, i will learn to play piano.
#26. I'm sooooooooooo in love with my fiance :D So lucky to have him. Thank you Lord.
#27. Sometimes, i lied to cover up things. But i often forgot what i've told and sa jangan menipu la kan?
#28. I am Jessica Alba's die-hard-fan :D
#29. I love dancing but i can't dance..huhu..
#30. I'm soooooo excited to get married.wahahhaa..

I know that i'm not perfect, i lack so much thing in me but i love being myself. I'm proud of myself. Most important, i am original me and i didn't copy anyone. Accept and respect me as i am...

p/s : Thanks baby for accepting me and thank you for making me COMPLETE (^___^)