Day 4

Religion. It's quite sensitive to talk about, am i right? I'm wondering if it's necessary to write about this. It's probably an interesting topic to share with other but i'm not brave enough to write much.

Whatever religion you are, i believe there's no religion taught us a bad thing. Human is the one whom making things wrong. Sometimes, public will blame others religion because of their wrong doing. Why? Mentality yang seperti itu harus di ubah. Janganlah menyalahkan agama itu sekiranya mereka yang berlainan agama berselisih faham. Kadang pula, agama di politikkan. Sungguh. Sungguh amat kecewa.

Respect others religion and belief so they will do the same thing.

p/s : I believe in God, i love my church.

Blessed Sunday peeps :))