
My lappy kinda mogok tonight..its running too slow and hang several times. Really spoiled my mood...ngrrrr..Bapa also keep nagging about me yang tidur makan saja di rumah kasi habis beras :( Bukan senang baa mau cari kerja..Kalu setakat gaji 400 - 500 bucks adalah..memang berlambak but alang-alang also ba that. Inda cukup pun bikin bayar bil. Mr Fiance also x mo faham situasi. Sudah sa stress tambah lagi tanya sa yang bikin stress..what the heck!! I've told him few times why i decided to resigned last time tapi balik balik juga he talked about that. Dan yang paling sa panas, sa sms panjang berjela jela he only replied me with smiley face.. Goshhhhhhh! i really want to jump over the cliffs...

Few hours ago, ada ni orang gave me stack of letters yang entah bulan berapa lagi inda kena hantar-hantar sama penerima surat. Memang sangat tidak bertanggungjawab..huhu..catalogue from Avon, penyata dari KWSP and 2 letters from my former Uni. Well, tagih hutang laitu..Inda lama kena panggil court la ni kalu bayar hutang also bertangguh..How to bayar hutang when nobody willing to hire me?  Odoiiiii dogo..words can not describe how i feel right now *sigh*

I only can pray and hope for a better tomorrow. Struggling so hard to survive alone..alone? I don't know..Seems like i can't bear the pains now and finally i cry T.T

**saying stop being depressed or stress is like telling me not to breath.