Day 7

I'm a Pisceans :D What zodiac are you?

I'm not really into horoscope thingy so i don't know too much about that. But at some points, its quite interesting juga. Percaya atau tidak its depend la ba kan? You know your true self better than other. There's nothing wrong to refer the horoscope if you want, maybe you'll discover something that you don't know about yourself :D Well, what i'm going to say is based on what my friends told me about me. Sometimes, apa yang orang lain nampak tidak kita ketahui sebenarnya. That is why, kita perlu ambil kira pendapat orang lain tentang character kita.

"Kau sangat tenang!'' Okay, i heard this several times. They said that i never looked like someone with problems. And my bestfriend said that i killed all the hard times, all the sadness and frustration with SMILING. I admit this. I maybe cried or complained how hard my life was but its never took a day, i managed to smile again. And i realized these since i know how to value my surroundings. And hey! senyum kan petua awet muda..hehe..senyum laa selalu. Trust me, when you smile over your problems, it's giving you a peace at heart. Bila hati tenang then senang laa buat decisions, kan? *smiling*

"You are such a crybaby!" Hmmmm, yang ni memang kelemahan sa. I easily shed a tears..huhu..nampak sangat lemahkan? But i can't help it. I cried whenever people talked to me with high tone especially my dad. Tapi bukan semua laa, depends on situation juga. Kalu sikit2 pun mo nangis then i really have a problems..hekhekhek..And, i cried a lot bila tinguk cerita sedih sedih..hehe..tapi sa rasa semua orang memang begitu kan? Mostly, bila tinguk drama korea..ready2 ja laa tissue berkotak-kotak.. ;p *untung tokeh tissue..*

"Hipokritnya kau!'' Aduiiii...kejam sangat laa kau..! But i admit this too >.< Pretending that you like that person just not to hurt them pun dikategorikan sebagai hipokrit ka? Kalu iya then sa memang hipokrit. huhu..I'm not really proud of this tapi bila kita nilai positif side dia memang la ada baiknya juga. We intended not to buat dia terasa or buat dia malu so dengan selambanya mengiyakan saja apa yang dia buat or cakap padahal dalam hati i menghamun..hehe..nda laaa sampai begitu. I sebal jerrr...:D

"You're insecure and jealousy!" I think many pisces(apa yang sa namapk laa di kalangan kawan2 yang berbintang ikan kembar) can be insecure which can lead to jealousy. I mean, pisces are prone to low self esteem which tends to co-occur with insecurity. And i think jealousy stems from insecurity… so, perhaps? haha..tapi tahap ke'jealous'an itu masih boleh sa control baa and itu normal.hehe..

Friendly. Independent. Good listeners. Imaginative. Devoted. Okay, that's what people saw in me..I don't know.  Maybe or maybe not. I just can't figure all of it. It's that really me?ngeeeee...

Pisceans possess a gentle, patient, malleable nature. They have many generous qualities and are friendly, good natured, kind and compassionate, sensitive to the feelings of those around them and respond with the utmost sympathy and tact to any suffering they encounter. They are deservedly popular with all kinds of people, partly because their easygoing, affectionate, submissive natures offer no threat or challenge to stronger and more exuberant characters. They accept the people around them and the circumstances in which they find themselves rather than trying to adapt them to suit themselves, and they patiently wait for problems to sort themselves out rather than take the initiative in solving them. They are more readily concerned with the problems of others than with their own.  Read More Here .

Pisces and Independence:
Pisces needs a dominant partner of role model in their life or they will very easily fall into a pit of self-pity and self-undoing. When they are independent and inspired by life's events, their creativity comes shining through but they are unable to be on their own for long before they start dreaming in their imaginary world of happy people and happy endings. They need other people to keep them grounded and on the right track.
Pisces and Friendship:
Pisces will go out of their way to help a friend. They are extremely sensitive and loyal. They will take a friend's problem and make it their own and suffer with them. This is the weak spot of Pisces but any friend of this zodiac sign should know that although they are attracted to people with severe problems who desperately need help, this actually does more harm them good. Even though Pisces will offer to make everything right, do not allow them to take on all your problems because they will lose their identity in your situation. They need a strong positive friend to make them strong. Pisces like adventure, new situation and social events. A Pisces friend will always have something exciting in mind and it is a very fulfilling, long lasting friendship.
Pisces and Temperament:
The Pisces personality is hard to pin down, it is very mysterious and elusive. Pisces are molded by their surroundings, they incorporate their experiences and surroundings into themselves. They have extreme compassion and they feel the pain of others. If something is wrong in the world that affects them, it affects them deeply, they take it to heart and feel extreme feelings regarding the matter. When they are happy, they are extremely happy and when they are sad, they are extremely depressed.
Pisces Deep Inside:
Pisces have an intuitive and psychic ability more then any other zodiac signs. They trust their gut feelings and if they do not, they quickly learn to because they realize that their hunches are usually correct. Pisces downfall is their sensitivity and their inability to reject another person. They do not like rejection and they try to treat others the way they want to be treated so they will rarely say no to a person for fear of hurting their feelings. They will help another person with their problems and like to do so because making others feel good in turn makes them feel good. Pisces is the zodiac sign of self-undoing. People born under this zodiac sign are not susceptible to bad luck and unfortunate events, they bring them on themselves by overindulging, laziness and a knack for picking poorly suited partners and friends. They want people in their life who stir their emotions because this helps them to practice emotional stability. The inner conflict of Pisces is extremes of temperament and conflicting emotions. They are trying to pinpoint themselves on the real world while their spiritual world can cloud their vision, they will try to escape or avoid a situation instead of confronting it. Pisces eternal struggle is to learn to use their powers and their imagination in a positive, productive way and vying for emotional stability by not giving away their emotions to everyone else, they need to help themselves.
What it's Like to Date a Pisces Woman:
Pisces women are very captivating and fascinating. She makes a man feel like a man because of her need for a protector and leader. She is charming, soft and feminine. The ultimate enchantress. She can see right through a man and she is not easy to fool, so any man better be straight with her and not lead her on, because instead of confronting him, she will simply disappear. She needs to nurture and will give the man orders, but only for his own good. She will make sure he is eating properly and getting enough sleep, sort of like a mother nurturing a child. What she needs in return is a man to protect and cherish her, make her feel like she is needed and loved. She might almost be clingy and dependent but never overbearingly. Her partner will become of better half. She needs patience and sympathy and you have to be gentle with her. Don't poke fun or tease and definitely do not reject her harshly because she can't stand rejection. She is extremely romantic and will lose herself in the relationship. The Pisces woman is the ultra feminine nurturer, the ideal woman for the right man.
Source: Google 

OMG, this is scarily true!! (o.O) Personally though, my "niceness" and "sensitivity" have not been a good thing for me. It seems i get taken advantage of because of this. Yes, I HATE lies, i want to be loved for me, if you hurt me in ANY way that will be the last time you hear of me. I can't hurt anyone though and it's soooo hard for me to get mad. I can take a lot! And have. But i can only take so much, then i get PISSED! And you'll be sorry. ;-) Then i'll feel bad and there i go again. I believe what goes around comes around. I don't EVER hurt anyone or do anything that i wouldn't want to be done or happen to me. But even through everything, i have hope and keep dreaming. I can't seem to stop dreaming but it makes me feel good. I have learned to realize that it's just what it is, a dream, so i do it but with no expectations.  

All in all, take all the good things as a base to strengthen our personality. Stop trying to fit in when you were born to stand out! :D

p/s : Jangan la BANGGA diri sangat. Mentang-mentanglaa horoscope tu bagitau yang baik-baik terus  ego melangit..