My Easter's Eve

Cerita Easter's Eve

I'm about to get ready to go to sleep cuz we're going to church early in the morning for Easter's Mass when suddenly bapa said he felt uncomfortable mostly his chest. I assumed that it was his gastric again so i gave him warm water to makes him feel better and offered him a milk but he refused. I sat besides him and try to gave him massages on his chest sebab bapa cakap bukan gastric dengan harapan dia akan merasa lebih baik. He laid on his bed  and i went back to my bedroom upstairs. I thought, i could be sleep then but bapa called me again and asked to be admit to hospital. I told Imon to get ready as i am grabbed my wallet, phones, sweater and my scarf (just in case he'll be admitted) also my earphone and my latest vampy's novel :)

We arrived at Kota Marudu's hospital and headed to Emergency Unit. Luckily, the nurse attendant saw us outside and he came to help. Bapa pucat sudah that time and his hand is getting cool. Aduiii, punya sa risau. Joshua ( the male nurse ) gave bapa the gastric medicine and do some regular examines. He took bapa's blood for a blood test too. They let bapa rehat after kena ambil darah and gantung a bag of water.. Balik-balik lagi si bapa ni mengeluh sakit. And me? Sa rasa macam mau pengsan saja dalam tu ER..Bau ubat buat sa macam mau sakit, pening dan sa rasa mau muntah juga. (that's why, sa tak boleh jadi nurse ;p )

Joshua called and told me that it was only a gastric and no need to worry too much. The blood's test done ok and bapa's jantung also good..They wouldn't warded him so we can take bapa home and rest. Baru la sa rasa lega and mau cepat-cepat keluar dari tu ER.. Joshua also gave me a description and asked me to pick the medicines tomorrow morning..He sempat lagi joking to bapa '' jangan lagi makan tu bosou arr..itu la yang bikin dugal angkol tu..'' and si bapa dengan selamba menjawab '' sa buang laitu bosou tu.." hehehe...

We arrived home and bapa terus p buang bosou dia..hahhaa..ngam la tu. Plus, teda juga kami minat makan tu bosou..wuwuuwu..bukan keminatan sebab itu bosou bakas...tehehhee.. Now, bapa suda tidur and sa pun tidak lagi berapa susah hati. Hope everything ok la after ni..Bapa, please don't get sick again..Dear God, please give bapa a good healthy..

Guys, it's 2:30am now..i have to sleep or else Imon kasi tinggal sa later..

Alleluia! Alleluia!
Happy Easter to all Christian..blessing and peace will be with you  (^_^)

Lotsa Love,xoxo