
I've been blogging since 2009 and quite active for years tapi ntah apa sa buat tuh smpi sa ter'delete' semua entries..gatal tangan kan! After that, sa stop berbelog sebab teda suda semangat mo tinguk blog sa kosong so i decided to delete the old one. November last year, i created another blog but remain idle sebab busy keja. Free time sa hanya untuk hibernating tidur. What's made me blogging ? I love writing but instead of keepin' diary, i choose this ( i used to be a diary'ing person back then). I'm not really a talkative person so this is the right way to unleash my emotion and thoughts, sharing experiences and stand out on what i used to believed in. While blogging, i can express myself confidently more than i talked to others [sbb sa pemalu..ahaha!kidding :p] and i love it that way. I rather talked here than got a blush in front of people if i annoyed them enough..hehe..Btw, thank you for stopping by here and give up a little of your times reading my not so special blog :] And please take the time to leave a comment or ‘like’ anything you like. Encouragement is the most important thing for dreamers dreaming of writing :)