How do we met?'s been 3months now ;) And, i'm still processing the fact that i'm engaged to him..woootttt! ;p

How can i believe this? Ngehehee...he's so far away somewhere in peninsular and me here in Sabah. The fact that we're separated by the South China Sea really makes me sick!...ngrrrrrr.. I can only meet him 2 times in a year and waiting for those times to come are super horrible terrified sucks moment! T.T Oh myyyyyy! how i miss him right now...
Okehh, this is not the story that i'm goin' to tell..just refer the do we met? I've posted an enrty a liitle bit about him in HERE  :D

Back to year 2000 which is i'm still in high school (Form 4)..During the year end semester break, i and my niece aka my bestfriend went to my cousin's house in Penampang. We got our part-time job in Lintas and only will be home at 11:00pm..uhuuu..poor me!masih budak tapi keja sampai lewat malam..We took off every Sunday so we had our free times to have fun on holiday even though just to hang out with my cousin's fammy :) I really can't recalled on how we actually met or how we bumped each other..But as he told me, he saw me sat in front of my cousin's house for the first time on the way to his friend's house also is my cousin's next door.Since then, he keep stalked me..hahha! how cute was that? (^_^)

One day, i got a phone called and it was from him. Dengan selambanya sa jawab telefon even i really don't know who the hell is calling me that time. Tapi sa layan seja..hahha..time tu sa masih belum nampak whats he looked like. Until one day, my cousin called me and i went outside to joined her..'Tunaa si Ricky sama kawan dia si Hardy'...Apa lagi, dengan curiosity yang membuak-buak sa kasi panjang laa leher mencari kelibat orang yang dimaksudkan...and suddenly ' hahahahaahahahha!! gumukkk!'.. I burst into laugh whenever i saw him sebab dia sangat la comel time tu..ahahhaa..punya la sa mengijik kan b? teheeeee. Bah, can't blame me baa juga. Consider me yang masih budak-budak dan punya imaginasi mau kawin sama putera raja, yang handsome dan badan ketul-ketul..ekekkee...sekali ada peminat yang sangat comel memang laa sa kelucuan. Since that day, i tried to dodged every phone called from him tapi paling tidak tahan bila dia tidak putus asa. Adedede..sandi juga that time. Kalau husband cousin sa yang pick up the phone called, diam seja inda bercakap and he kept calling until dia dapat bercakap sama sa..wehhehehe! Whats a confident kan?hehehe...At last, terbuka juga hati sa mo berkawan sama dia and there it goes..we're friend. Everytime balik dari keja, dia sudah terpacak sana motorcycle's park area..kadang-kadang he was with his friends. Pernah juga kami lepak-lepak di hallway in front of my cousin's house..ketawa-ketawa, joking around..weee, i miss that moments :D Tapi kena marah..hahaha!padan mukaa...

;D can i go to sleep now? hahhaa..i can't stand my eyes anymore..will continue the story in my next post..till then, byeeee...! muchos love..xoxo