x tau apa tajuk :p

hi hi hi :))

can i brag something here? i superrr sukaaaa my blogskin!hehehe..selepas bersengkang mata dan berpenat lelah  membaca bahasa html, akhirnya sa puas hati dng hasil edit-edit sa..maybe ada juga yang kurenggg sikit cuz i'm a newbie tapi akan di edit semula bila ada masa lapang dan suda cukup ilmu di dada biarpun sekarang ni memang sentiasa ada masa lapang (maklum la, penganggur terhormat :p) tapi sa likeee seja apa yang sa suda buat. Ignore seja la yang girly-girly icon tu..hehe..itu saja yang mampu sa cari setakat ini..sekian seja sesi 'mengangkat bakul sendiri'..weee, sa malu....

Well, been a while since my last update kan? hmm, banyak ba yang mo di share ni tapi stuck nda tau di mana mo start. Kadang-kadang, after a few lines my brain stopped working and nda laa kejadian meng'update' di sini. Hari ni memang banyak idea ni di kepala sebab suda refreshing kan?blogskin baru..wakaka..Jadi mari la kita berceritaa..

Pada suatu hari, 14 Mac ~
Cuba teka ini hari apa? :D ada lagi baa main teka-teka..heee..Yupp, it's my birthday! And memang sangat kesian laa birthday sa ni tahun..no cakes, no blowing candles, no phone call sebab dia lupa , no gifts..adehhh! :( pendek kata, teda apa2..tapi nda apa..wishes banyak di FB..ngehh!itu pun cukup suda ba..really appreciate each of them. Kira doa juga ba tu untuk sa..thank u laa untuk yang ada meng'wish'.. :D

Few days after : mangkali sebab terbawa-bawa perasaan yang teda tertiup lilin birthday (hahaha), bad mood seja ni sampai sesi merajuk telah berlaku. Adeiii, sa macam mo muntah ni ingat balik..sangat childish padahal baru juga naik 1 tangga ke'gontua'an. Yang itu nda buli di cerita sebab sa malu..wahaha..apapun, sorry baby :) sa lupa suda yang sa merajuk sebab suda kena call dan bergayut sampai jam 6:00am..nah, ni kali laa bercerita sampai kering tekak..tapi memang indah baa bercinta di talipon :) weeeeeee...

So to thanking him for being so sweet, sa re-blog laa ini untuk si penyupenyu kesukaan sa..hee..

Will u stil love me even if i'm not perfect?
Will u still love me even if i'm not d kind of person u wished i were?
Will u still look into my eyes with warmth even if u saw my shadows?
Will u still hold my hand even if u knew there will be times i'd let u down?

For though i yearn to take care of u as i should, though i desire to love u with a love that never falters & fades, my knees tremble this very momnet that u hold me in ur arms.

Shall i kiss u?
Shall i hold ur hand & bask in d light of ur spirit knowing that i have my darkness, knowing there will be times that d light of my love will sometimes be overshadowed by d darkness that is in me?

Sometimes, i'd be silent & i might bore u. I may not laugh at ur jokes & u may not understand d spell that's enshrouding me.
Sometimes, i'd get troubled & i'd fail to put into words what d hell it is troubles me. I wouldn't be good company then & i couldn't make u smile.
Sometimes, i'd get moody & i might not enjoy d things u'd like us to do together.
Sometimes, i'd lose my temper & i'd no longer act like d fine person who stands before u today.
Sometimes, i'd get jealous & i might say things i don't really mean.
Sometimes, i'd talk too much that i might drive u away.
Sometimes, i'd get touchy & i'd get easily hurt & no matter how mature i try to be, at times i'd act in childish ways. I'd demand things i shouldn't, i'd say things i shouldn't say & no matter how much i desire to make u happy, sometimes i'd be d one who'd cause u d most pain.

If u will love me i cannot promise u that i will not hurt u. I cannot promise u that i'll never break ur heart. But if u love me, i will bare my whole self naked before u & i will reveal to u my soul. If u love me, u can be certain that it is i that u love, not a mask that fools u & gives u only what ur eyes desires to see. If u love me, u can be certain that u will love d depths of me, all of me that is in me & i in turn will love u with all of me, with all my soul, with all my mind, with all my spirit, with all my flaws & beauty & with all my very heart...

Fiancee with Love :D
by Nancy Yvonne Kimus on Saturday, 11 February 2012 at 11:34 · 

Hari ini : 
bila laa ni sa dapat keja? i desperately need a JOB!teda ka boss-boss yang sudi hire sa ni?punya boring sa ni di rumah sejaaa..interview sana sini..penat jaa, buang duit lagi tapi teda juga yang sa dapat!.. T.T keja o keja..please come to me..oklaaa, see u again on next post! 

P/S : jangan lupa kelik burung biru yang terabang-terbang tuu..heeee...muchos gracias!