10 Things I love about Him

Ayeeeeee! Feeling lovey-dovey this morning..hehe.. Love is truly a miracles. Even we can't see each other as often as i want but just reading his texts really can put a wide smile on my face :D And i never felt he's apart a thousand miles away from me though.

Taken from #weheartit

Okay, here are the 10 things i love about him. We really don't spend much time together but i've learn pretty much about him..awwww ;)

#1. Simple. Okay, when i say simple it's really simple as simple as this simple word. He speak simple, he act simple, he wear simple. The only things that not simple to him is EAT!hahaa..

#2. Devoted. To his mom ;) anak mama ba dia..hehe..

#3. Caring. Sometimes, i'm suffocated when he care too much ;p but it's okay. I'm not goin' to complain bout that.

#4. Understanding. My ex-bf(s) teda yang memahami macam dia nih, semua mau menang sendiri. But with him sa pula yang kadang2 susah mau faham dia..hahaa..No matter how moody i am or how bad i treated him, he still tried to at least makes me amused. Weee...sweet laaa sgt *wink

#5.  Sense of Humor Funny. Paling nda tahan bila dia buat lawak. Sometimes, menyakitkan hati but still i laugh :) And also, he loves making faces..haha..ugly you know..teheee..

#6. Curious. If something is not satisfying him, he would ask and ask and ask. If the answer is not convincing, ready ja laa kena tanya beribu kali. Kalah-kalah CID..huuuu..idk why, i love these part of him. Even sometimes i got annoyed but i still feel secure.

#7. Singing. First time i heard him sing, i was like wOw! O.O he sing well and i likeee it. But i'll like it more if he sing my favourite song <3

#8. Football. Believe it or not, we shared the same passion, football. We both cheers for Manchester United ;)) Sanggup bangun awal pagi semata-mata mau tinguk bola..aiyeeeeeeee..mau kasi impressed dia baa kunun..hahaha..

#9. Confident. Yessss, he is a plus size person but he still got the confidence among his family and friends that he can do what normal people do. It's giving me an inspiration to stand out with my  personality without being low-self esteem and enjoying life. **cutee ba yang montel..siok jaa pelukk..hahaaa

#10. He loves me (^__^)
I'm not loving him just because of the 10 things, i love him in numberless forms, numberless times, in life after life and in age after age forever..