TUTORIAL : How to use blogskin

Hi guys ;D

I'm in a very good mood so i'm giving you 1 tutorial today. How to use BLOGSKIN. I'm sure some of you are using this blogskin instead of blog template. Ini ikut suka hati laa kan mau guna yang mana 1. As for me, blogskin is quite convenience to use. I'm not really into blog template sebab sa nda laa sekreatif sesetengah orang.. Besides, blogskin pun cute-cute what ^^

[ save your current template okay..]

#1. Go to your Dashboard > Template >

 #2. After clicking, you'll see like this :

#3. And it should be like this after revert :

#4. Okay, CLICK HERE to choose blogskin you like. There are sooooo many blogskin that you can choose ;D

#5. Download the blogskin code


#6. Copy all the code and paste into your HTML box.. [ before that delete all the old code ]. Preview and SAVE.

Dah? Senang ja kan? Cute lagi..heeee...