Football vs The Vampire Diaries.

Can i cry?

I'm super pissed off over Manchester United losing the 20th title of EPL cup this season! Thanks to  Kun Aguero for the last minutes score and took away all the HOPE of United fans..aiyaaa, nasib laa Kun itu sgt hensem..eheeee..But, United did a good job last night. Even though United didn't get any cup this season but salute to their performance. Keep the red flag flying high! :D It's okay to lose 1 cup just for Citizens yang kemarau cup selama 44 tahun! There's 18 more to beat United, in another 44 years perhaps? Hahahaa..

Taken from #Google

Okay, moving on. I've finish watching The Vampire Diaries season 3. Oh my! TVD season 3 is an epic i must say. The tensions and pains of the triangle loves makes me cried T.T Also, Caroline is so gorgeous!! At the end of the episode : Alaric dead, Elena become vampire, Tyler's body possessed by Klaus [he is not dead yet], and the most touching scene was actually Damon met Elena before Stefan. He made Elena forget that they've met on the day her parent died in accidents. Awwww, Damon is superrrrrrr  romantic, isn't he? All in all, Elena choose Stefan instead of Damon. If i was Elena, i definitely choose Damon! *cross fingers*

Damon: If it was just down to him and me and you had to make a choice who got the goodbye, who would it be?
Elena: I love him, Damon. He came into my life at a time when I needed someone and I fell for him instantly. No matter what I feel for you, I never unfall for him.
Damon: Yeah, I get it. Stefan. It’s always gonna be Stefan.


Isn't they cute together? ;)

Now, can i cry? Hahaaa..Ignore seja kegilaa sa nih. Teda-teda baa point mau nangis. Lain laaa kalau Damon propose me..ngeh3! I can't wait to watch season 4 of TVD..cepat laaa cepat laa..

 Baa, okay! Loads of work to do today..see you next post. Babai.

p/s : Congrats to Man City!!