Transformer versi Manusia.

Hell to the O! Hello! :D

Giggling. I text Mr Fiance just now and asked something that i can blog. Hadoiii, terus sa ketawa guling². Sungguh EPIC baa he answered me.

Me : Lama x blogging. x idea. give me some.
Mr. Fiance : Talk about ur appetite & promise me u will not be a tong drum.chubby is fine.haha
And i was like =,= But to be honest, i really am in a big appetite these days. I've ate in about 1 hours *sometimes less but the cravenness kept coming up and i end up eating again. My goodness! To stop my stupid-hunger, i drink super-sweet hot choc and it turns me sleepy. Sangat ular, right? Well, its PMS i guess..Gonna be normal later. But the truth is, its worried and stressed me most of the times until pimpled-out. My kilos is keep increasing! Damn it! *shy*

Hmmm, lets see what me looked like time i masih slim river! :D i used to weight 46kg-48kg back then. Nice kan? 


And, the kilos increased to 58kg.


And now, the hippo in the making! Look how Adele  fat i am. And i have no idea what is my current weight too 'cuz i am soooo allergic with the weight-scale. hahahha.. takut nanti itu jarum pusing 2 kali ;p

#2012 My Goshh! pil kurusssss please!

Adoiii, sa sangat sakit hati nampak transformasi yang berlaku. I better go to sleep now or i might be bersengkang mata cari petua kurus..hehe..Oh! by the way, this is the last time posting my pictures here as i am on my diet program. Will be update soon after i jadi slim macam Jessica Alba.hehee... xoxo

# Encourage me! I need it most..Thanks. 

p/s : FYI, all my pictures above taken at the beach *coincidence*