Labuan - KL - Jakarta

Hahhhhh! *sengaja sergah..hehe..ada baik ker? berlakon seja baa. Ndaa juga sa pandai loghat semenanjung nih..

Labuan ~ sepa yang pernah pigi nih? Atau ko orang Labuan? :D I'm going to Labuan this coming June and of course with my Mr Fiance.. Not sure the exact date yet but will be there for 3D2N, maybe..tunggu si boss laa macamana kan.. Since this is our 1st time travelling together, i mean only the two of us [teda bodyguard a.k.a racun nyamuk..heeee] i'm superrrrr excited sekali. Seems like Labuan is my warming-up vacation cuz i'll fly to KL on June 20th. Many places to go..heeeee..Melaka and Penang in my list [food hunting of course] But, depends on him also sebab dia keja. =,=  I might go alone if possible or maybe with darlings sa yang ada di tanah melayu ;) BUT tinguk budget juga. Takut nanti teda duit bikin tambang balik Sabah ;p Aiyaaaa! How i wish that i'm Bill Gates' daughter,  hidup travelling seja sebab bapa 'cop duit'..hahaha..

Jakarta? Okay, this is still on planning. Whether will go on this coming Dec or January next year. Surveying hotels in progress also. And mau cari orang yang comfirm mau ikut. Tickets must be book early cuz it's cheaper i guess and sekarang banyak promotion. So, to families yang mau ikut kumpul laa duit banyak-banyak.. :D  And to myself  <---- 'ada duit ko kaa mau p Jakarta?!'  Pretty sure that i will be BROKE when i in KL..aiyaaa..Jadiii, wahaii readers[uhuuu..ada readers ka juga nih?] yang baik hati, tolong click mana-mana yang berkaitan dengan $$ di belog ini..hehehe..

To all my beautiful, gorgeous & charming readers [amboiiiii, mengampu namapk..] that have been in Jakarta, please recommend me the best hotel to stay[clean,safe,comfort & SAFE] or which places should i visit..makasehhh! Lebiu all :D

Untuk menambahkan duit poket i yang semakin kontang, sila laa menderma dengan cara meng'CLICK DI SINI..Terima kasih daun keladi. Nanti i belanja laa u makan bubur keladi ;)
p/s : can't wait my penyupenyu to come home..miss u muchossssss baby <3