Late Night Update!

Insomnia in the house! Damn it, i can't sleep! Urgggh!! These past few days, memang susah mau tidur, idk why. Siang also sa nda tidur tapi nda tau napa juga ni mata payah mau lelap T.T So, to murder my time sa berbelog laa sampai terTIDUR!

 While Facebook'ing hours ago, i found these friend's wall post. I sungguh berminat untuk memiliki benda ini [nak guna time kawen nanti..eheeee..] Polaroid camera, come to momma! ;D

In Package Fujifilm Instax 210 With OFFER 20xPieces of Film
RM355 + RM10 for shipping

Fujifilm Instax Mini 7s Blue
RM235 @ + RM10 for shipping

It's will cost me much money but berbaloi-baloi! Harap-harap adalah yang baik hati mem'present'kan si comel ini untuk sa. Sumpah, sa sayang ko sampai mati..heeee..

And, i'm searching for a red dress [woot woot] to wear during my niece's big day, June 2nd. Suda google mencari tapi maklum la! Dah serupa beruang susah laa nak cari yang muat T.T Sangat sedih bila sa hanya mampu tinguk dress yang sangat gojess tapi size comel lote..uhukkkk![muntah darah]

Alangkah indah dunia kalu dress ni color merah dengan plus size (clearing throat) ;p

How about this? ;D *reject!

I loveeeee the color, wine red! @

Kalau tak jumpa juga then i will go jahit kain sarung color merah..ngehehe..*joking* I will be at KK for dress hunting next week. Nak ikut? Jommmmm..

Pesanan Khidmat Masyarakat!
I'm not a FOE!
Some people might misunderstood you or maybe feels insecure when you're's not cute okeh?! Its annoyed me till i-want-to-vomit!! Urghhh!! You may say whatever you want but that's a prove that you too a Drama Queen. Use your brain not your heart! *wide smile to you too*