
Archive for 05/01/2012 - 06/01/2012

Life is too cruel.

Howdy fellas!

Someone really pissed me off today. She's fooling around and i'm sooo mad as i wanna punch her face! She appeared in the middle of nowhere and said 'oh my God, you're so fat! how many kids do you have now?' And i was like ''hey, what the hell..!'' She even mentioned that she heard about me having a baby before marriage. Whattt!! Excuse me, i'm just ENGAGED last December, okay! And, i don't have a baby.

She didn't even say sorry[..oh, like i care!]but i've hold my anger until she excused herself. I never know that people will spread such a story around without even known the truth. Ohh, mana mau letak muka nih? Sa malu sungguh²..Uhuuuu..dunia memang sangat pelik!

Okay, moving on. I, my brother and his fiancee will go to Beluran tomorrow for 3 days. We will be home on monday's eve, hopefully. We don't have a certain plan what to do when we get there but 1 thing for sure, we will go for FISHING! :D I'll update you when i get home, okay? And more pictures will be upload too. Pray for our safe journey yaaa..Till then, hugs!

p/s : Seems like Mr Problems always visiting me these days. There's no day that i can freely live my life. Oh, please..just leave me alone!

I can't take the BLAME.

It's making me feel uncomfortable. It's irritated and annoyed me to the max! Why?! Why?! After a years, i still heard people blaming me on what had happened to us. Why do i have to take all the blames when it wasn't my faults? I mean, i've done wrong too but it was all because of him. He broke my heart, he took granted on me, he cheated on me [ i cheated too <----revenge], he confused me, he promised me the beautiful futures but in the end he abandon me. He said he don't loved me anymore but why it has to be 6 years to tell me the truth? 

He never had a time for me. I always in a second place after his friends [I'm tired of never being a priority.] He never introduced me to his mom even we've been together for so long. I only exist when he needed helps. When i asked him if he loved me he will answer me the same sentences 'sa tidak tau.tiada feeling ni sekarang'. When i talked about our family, he ignored me and always changed the topic. When i asked him a serious thing, he got mad 'buli ka tak tanya sa skrg?!'  It's not about wrong timing but how can i understand? He always like that. When my patience hit the limits, i moved on. I asked him to let me go and he wasn't hesitate.  

And now after i found my own happiness [yessss!i am happy now :)] his friends blame me for everything. I don't know what kind of story he created and spreads to his friends. There was a girl said that i am a terrible person. Some of his friend said i cheated on him and that's why i asked to broke up. My goodness! What the use of waiting him when everything are uncertain? Why do i have to stay when he break my heart into pieces? I don't have the courage to be loyal. I don't have the strongest heart to love him anymore..No matter how much i love him, he hasn't have the rights to treat me like that. No matter how hard it was for me, i tried to forgives. I deserve to have a HAPPY life too.

I am a fiancee to someone now. After all the bad and hard times, i found my man. I thanked God for sending him to me.  But when i keep hearing something about my ex, i feel uncomfortable. I feel anxious. I don't know how to explains and makes thing clears. I just only want them to stop blaming me. Guys, what should i do? :(

Transformer versi Manusia.

Hell to the O! Hello! :D

Giggling. I text Mr Fiance just now and asked something that i can blog. Hadoiii, terus sa ketawa guling². Sungguh EPIC baa he answered me.

Me : Lama x blogging. x idea. give me some.
Mr. Fiance : Talk about ur appetite & promise me u will not be a tong drum.chubby is fine.haha
And i was like =,= But to be honest, i really am in a big appetite these days. I've ate in about 1 hours *sometimes less but the cravenness kept coming up and i end up eating again. My goodness! To stop my stupid-hunger, i drink super-sweet hot choc and it turns me sleepy. Sangat ular, right? Well, its PMS i guess..Gonna be normal later. But the truth is, its worried and stressed me most of the times until pimpled-out. My kilos is keep increasing! Damn it! *shy*

Hmmm, lets see what me looked like time i masih slim river! :D i used to weight 46kg-48kg back then. Nice kan? 


And, the kilos increased to 58kg.


And now, the hippo in the making! Look how Adele  fat i am. And i have no idea what is my current weight too 'cuz i am soooo allergic with the weight-scale. hahahha.. takut nanti itu jarum pusing 2 kali ;p

#2012 My Goshh! pil kurusssss please!

Adoiii, sa sangat sakit hati nampak transformasi yang berlaku. I better go to sleep now or i might be bersengkang mata cari petua kurus..hehe..Oh! by the way, this is the last time posting my pictures here as i am on my diet program. Will be update soon after i jadi slim macam Jessica Alba.hehee... xoxo

# Encourage me! I need it most..Thanks. 

p/s : FYI, all my pictures above taken at the beach *coincidence* 

ME is here, again!

I'm back! ;D macam laa ada orang kesahh kan?uhuuu..More to update but not today..i'm so sleepy to be honest..hehe..I'll see you after 8hours of sleep.. xoxo


Will you miss me? :D

I'm gonna be out of range for a while. I've deactivated my Facebook & Twitter. I'll be back whenever i feel okay and post an update here. Don't worry, i won't go for a long time. Just need TIME and SPACE to figure out something that depressed me so much. Till then, keep sneaking here and CLICK the ads..hehe..nda malu bah! ;p

p/s : baby,  i'm not angry nor upset. i'm sorry for being fuss and insecure. i love you and you know that.. xoxo

I Miss You!

Howdy! ;)

I went to town today with my beautiful sister in law :) Thanks to her i able to go out after her school ended. Oh, she is a teacher by the way [ Happy Teacher's Day, Arlynne! Wish you have a great day ahead and God bless..] After we bought some groceries, we went to KFC for our late lunch..

Okay, scratch that. The TRUTH is i miss him. I miss him so badly, damn badly. I miss him everyday. I miss him everytime i woke up in the morning and i miss him whenever i went to sleep. I miss him and i couldn't tell him and its hurt me so very much. It feels like there is a big empty hole in my heart.

The rejection. I sent him text and asked ' don't you miss me?' and his replied 'ba mula suda jiwang dia lps tinguk korea..' and i was like =,= I'm expecting him to answer me 'i miss you tooo' but he didn't. Childish? Oh, i just don't know..I'm just hoping he would understand these feelings. We're not fighting or something. We're pretty much still in track. But i just can't hold myself from the ignorance. The only things that can makes me smile is his attention, his super-romance-text messages since we can't talk much on the phone. My goodness, tears again!!

Off to sleep. Jal jja! Sarang hae ~

PELIK. Apa?!

Okay, sa MARAH. Tidak tau napa sa tiba² meletup! Bodoh!! Suda marah memang laa meletup, kan?[tepuk dahi]

Dia sangat PELIK. Sebab tuh sa merasa pelik juga ;p Tapi, tidak mengapa. Dia suda berkata maaf, sejuk laa lava gunung berapi. Jangan buat lagi. Di lain masa, terpaksalaa bawa sa ke Korea untuk menyejukkan hatinyaa.hehee..sungguh demand di situ cik puan kita!

Selesai suda menhitung kambing teda bulu. Mata sa kuyu, tanda ingin beradu. Selamat malam bumi Borneo. Tidurlaa dengan lena bersama dendang cengkerik..wahhh! sa sungguh merepek!

Ann vs BORING!

Ada perkara penting sa mau bagitau :

#1. Sa teda buat apa² , jadi sa amatlaa BORING.
#2. Di ruma cuma ada sa dan si bapa lalu sa pun merasa BORING.
#3. Handphone sa yang sangat cumill dengan cover kaler purple inda pandai bunyi² [no sms/call] maka sa pun sangat BORING.
#4. Ketiadaan astro[terminated] dan CD drama korea menyebabkan sa sungguh². BORING.
#5. Duit dalam wallet pun tinggal RM5 dan syiling emas 50sen membantutkan niat mau p pekan mengakibatkan sa BORING.

Bila sa BORING, ini laa kejadian..macam mau gila.uhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Guys, teda ka yang kamu tau mencari pekerja? Or kamu nda mau ka upah sa jadi pekerja? Tapi ada syarat :

#1. Keja mesti yang advanture supaya sa tidak BORING.
#2. Keja mesti out-station selalu sebab sa nda suka duduk ofis sebab sa pandai BORING.
#3. Keja mesti sama boss yang baik hati [plus hensem..hehhee] supaya sa rajin p kerja dan tidak BORING.
#4. Keja mesti gaji besar supaya sa dapat p shopping, p vacation supaya sa tidak BORING.
#5. Keja mesti masuk jam 8:00am balik jam 12:00pm supaya sa tidak BORING.

**Serial Killer ja keja yang macam nih!! =.=

Bila sa BORING, sa sering merasa lapar. Aduiiiiii! Off to dapur again..makan!

p/s : minta ampun b, nampaknya sa sentiasa akan chubby ibarat teddy bear..wakakaa..lebiu! Indaaa sabar tunggu u balekkkkk..rindu! [nda malu punya Ann]

Football vs The Vampire Diaries.

Can i cry?

I'm super pissed off over Manchester United losing the 20th title of EPL cup this season! Thanks to  Kun Aguero for the last minutes score and took away all the HOPE of United fans..aiyaaa, nasib laa Kun itu sgt hensem..eheeee..But, United did a good job last night. Even though United didn't get any cup this season but salute to their performance. Keep the red flag flying high! :D It's okay to lose 1 cup just for Citizens yang kemarau cup selama 44 tahun! There's 18 more to beat United, in another 44 years perhaps? Hahahaa..

Taken from #Google

Okay, moving on. I've finish watching The Vampire Diaries season 3. Oh my! TVD season 3 is an epic i must say. The tensions and pains of the triangle loves makes me cried T.T Also, Caroline is so gorgeous!! At the end of the episode : Alaric dead, Elena become vampire, Tyler's body possessed by Klaus [he is not dead yet], and the most touching scene was actually Damon met Elena before Stefan. He made Elena forget that they've met on the day her parent died in accidents. Awwww, Damon is superrrrrrr  romantic, isn't he? All in all, Elena choose Stefan instead of Damon. If i was Elena, i definitely choose Damon! *cross fingers*

Damon: If it was just down to him and me and you had to make a choice who got the goodbye, who would it be?
Elena: I love him, Damon. He came into my life at a time when I needed someone and I fell for him instantly. No matter what I feel for you, I never unfall for him.
Damon: Yeah, I get it. Stefan. It’s always gonna be Stefan.


Isn't they cute together? ;)

Now, can i cry? Hahaaa..Ignore seja kegilaa sa nih. Teda-teda baa point mau nangis. Lain laaa kalau Damon propose me..ngeh3! I can't wait to watch season 4 of TVD..cepat laaa cepat laa..

 Baa, okay! Loads of work to do today..see you next post. Babai.

p/s : Congrats to Man City!! 

TUTORIAL : How to use blogskin

Hi guys ;D

I'm in a very good mood so i'm giving you 1 tutorial today. How to use BLOGSKIN. I'm sure some of you are using this blogskin instead of blog template. Ini ikut suka hati laa kan mau guna yang mana 1. As for me, blogskin is quite convenience to use. I'm not really into blog template sebab sa nda laa sekreatif sesetengah orang.. Besides, blogskin pun cute-cute what ^^

[ save your current template okay..]

#1. Go to your Dashboard > Template >

 #2. After clicking, you'll see like this :

#3. And it should be like this after revert :

#4. Okay, CLICK HERE to choose blogskin you like. There are sooooo many blogskin that you can choose ;D

#5. Download the blogskin code


#6. Copy all the code and paste into your HTML box.. [ before that delete all the old code ]. Preview and SAVE.

Dah? Senang ja kan? Cute lagi..heeee...

Mother's Day.

Happy Mommy's Day to all mom, mom-to-be, pending-mom (yang belum kawen..hehe) all over the world. May God bless everyone of you. Thank you for being a superwoman ;)

Taken from

On a day like this, i really wish that my mom is still around. It's been 17th years since she left us T.T. I miss her so much and it's such a pains that i'm not remembering what she look liked anymore. Her last images in my eyes has been disappeared along with my tears on the day she's gone. The only picture of her that we have right now is her IC's photo but it's quite blurry.
Dear Mom,
I'm sorry that i end up forgetting your beautiful looks. You left us too soon that i didn't get the chances to engrave your angel's face in my heart. I wish that you come to me in my dreams and hug me tight and take all the pains of missing you for years. We grew up without you and dad really did your undone duty very well. Being our father and mother in the same times, it's sure does giving him a hard times but mom, i'm so proud of him. We love you mom and always will. We will pray for you and please look after us. We'll unite again as a family when our times come. Until then, please rest in peace. 
Oh, not to forget my step-mom. Even though we don't share the same blood and flash, you still are our mother. You rise us just like your own kids and we are truly blessed. You too left us too soon. And we didn't have the chances to repay you back. We will pray for you inaa'.. We all loves both of you, mother.

Soon, i'm going to get married and probably will be a mom too. I'll rise them just like what both of you've done. I'll tell my kids that they have an awesome grandma :D

Labuan - KL - Jakarta

Hahhhhh! *sengaja sergah..hehe..ada baik ker? berlakon seja baa. Ndaa juga sa pandai loghat semenanjung nih..

Labuan ~ sepa yang pernah pigi nih? Atau ko orang Labuan? :D I'm going to Labuan this coming June and of course with my Mr Fiance.. Not sure the exact date yet but will be there for 3D2N, maybe..tunggu si boss laa macamana kan.. Since this is our 1st time travelling together, i mean only the two of us [teda bodyguard a.k.a racun nyamuk..heeee] i'm superrrrr excited sekali. Seems like Labuan is my warming-up vacation cuz i'll fly to KL on June 20th. Many places to go..heeeee..Melaka and Penang in my list [food hunting of course] But, depends on him also sebab dia keja. =,=  I might go alone if possible or maybe with darlings sa yang ada di tanah melayu ;) BUT tinguk budget juga. Takut nanti teda duit bikin tambang balik Sabah ;p Aiyaaaa! How i wish that i'm Bill Gates' daughter,  hidup travelling seja sebab bapa 'cop duit'..hahaha..

Jakarta? Okay, this is still on planning. Whether will go on this coming Dec or January next year. Surveying hotels in progress also. And mau cari orang yang comfirm mau ikut. Tickets must be book early cuz it's cheaper i guess and sekarang banyak promotion. So, to families yang mau ikut kumpul laa duit banyak-banyak.. :D  And to myself  <---- 'ada duit ko kaa mau p Jakarta?!'  Pretty sure that i will be BROKE when i in KL..aiyaaa..Jadiii, wahaii readers[uhuuu..ada readers ka juga nih?] yang baik hati, tolong click mana-mana yang berkaitan dengan $$ di belog ini..hehehe..

To all my beautiful, gorgeous & charming readers [amboiiiii, mengampu namapk..] that have been in Jakarta, please recommend me the best hotel to stay[clean,safe,comfort & SAFE] or which places should i visit..makasehhh! Lebiu all :D

Untuk menambahkan duit poket i yang semakin kontang, sila laa menderma dengan cara meng'CLICK DI SINI..Terima kasih daun keladi. Nanti i belanja laa u makan bubur keladi ;)
p/s : can't wait my penyupenyu to come home..miss u muchossssss baby <3

Pray for Alda Evan Tan

Hello peeps! :D

*yawn* I'm sooo sleepy right now but goshh!! my dad really can let me sleep peacefully. I just slept for 1 1/2 hours and my dad woke me up at 6:30am to help him moved away the fertilizers. Oh man! Seriously?! Yah!yah! If i get to do this for 1 week, i'm pretty sure i got six pack abs and a tough biceps..hahaa..

Okay, back to the title. I saw the post by Nuffnang Malaysia while scrolling around their website so i'm taking the chances to share with you guys who doesn't know about this. Sharing is Caring, am i right? ;)

Dear Nuffnangers,
We have always believed in the power of the community to do great things, and today, we’d like to rally for all of you to come together to help someone in need. No doubt many of you might have noticed your social media feeds buzzing with mentions of Alda Evan Tan since late last month, and have had your curiousity aroused. Alda Evan Tan is a social media community manager by day, and a music promoter and talented musician by night. While jamming in a studio with friends late last month, Alda collapsed mid-song and was immediately admitted to the Damansara Specialist Hospital. He underwent a brain surgery successfully and has since been in a coma.
**copied from Nuffnang**

Event: Come Together – in aid of Alda Evan Tan
Date : 13 May 2012 (Sunday)
Time : 12pm till late
Venues : Black Box, The Stage & The Bee @ Publika 

For more info, please check Pray for Alda Evan Tan Facebook page HERE . To those around the places mentioned, please grab this opportunity to help who needed supports. Together we pray for Alda Evan Tan recovery and for everyone regardless of who you are, where you are.

Late Night Update!

Insomnia in the house! Damn it, i can't sleep! Urgggh!! These past few days, memang susah mau tidur, idk why. Siang also sa nda tidur tapi nda tau napa juga ni mata payah mau lelap T.T So, to murder my time sa berbelog laa sampai terTIDUR!

 While Facebook'ing hours ago, i found these friend's wall post. I sungguh berminat untuk memiliki benda ini [nak guna time kawen nanti..eheeee..] Polaroid camera, come to momma! ;D

In Package Fujifilm Instax 210 With OFFER 20xPieces of Film
RM355 + RM10 for shipping

Fujifilm Instax Mini 7s Blue
RM235 @ + RM10 for shipping

It's will cost me much money but berbaloi-baloi! Harap-harap adalah yang baik hati mem'present'kan si comel ini untuk sa. Sumpah, sa sayang ko sampai mati..heeee..

And, i'm searching for a red dress [woot woot] to wear during my niece's big day, June 2nd. Suda google mencari tapi maklum la! Dah serupa beruang susah laa nak cari yang muat T.T Sangat sedih bila sa hanya mampu tinguk dress yang sangat gojess tapi size comel lote..uhukkkk![muntah darah]

Alangkah indah dunia kalu dress ni color merah dengan plus size (clearing throat) ;p

How about this? ;D *reject!

I loveeeee the color, wine red! @

Kalau tak jumpa juga then i will go jahit kain sarung color merah..ngehehe..*joking* I will be at KK for dress hunting next week. Nak ikut? Jommmmm..

Pesanan Khidmat Masyarakat!
I'm not a FOE!
Some people might misunderstood you or maybe feels insecure when you're's not cute okeh?! Its annoyed me till i-want-to-vomit!! Urghhh!! You may say whatever you want but that's a prove that you too a Drama Queen. Use your brain not your heart! *wide smile to you too*

My 1st BE :D

Tadaaaaaa! :D This is my 1st BE since i joined Nuffnang!hehehe..kesian baa. Orang lain suda dapat beratus2, sa baru dapat BE but never mind! Beginner macam sa, ni pun dah kira okeh! Sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit, kan kan kan..heee..Thank You Nuffnang Malaysia !bagi laaa BE lebih sikit..heeee..

So you guys yang baik hati..sila la CLICK ads yang ada [buat muka kesian] Nanti sa belanja laa you all teh tarik.. >.< Thank you pada yang sudi mengCLICK. jasamu di kenang ;p

April & May ;D

Hi hi ;)

Quite sometimes juga kan sa x update..even sa punya blog challenge pun tergendala. Uhuuuu..i'm willing to take the blame. I'm super lazy baa these days  >.< I thought that i have to stop doing the blog challenge since i really can't do it accordingly. Maybe some other time..hopefully. Unless, its has an expire date..teheee..

Time flies really fast, right? Realize it or not we already in the middle of the year..aiyooooo! can someone pause the clock ka? Sadissss juga tuh jam berpusing..Sa nda sempat saying goodbye to April, May have been arrived. May, please be nice to me..Okey guys, lets the pictures tell the stories ;)

Kids at Kemas Pandawar [26th April 2012]
Taken while sa jadi cigu ganti :D 

My brother & his fiancee [ Yun On Food Court ,Tuaran ]

Bapa ;)

Butter Prawn [ Yun On Food Court, Tuaran]

My sister & sumandak kici, Suri

Suri sgt cumil!!

Arlynne & Suri  *serius juga*

Nahhh, kena marah oleh Suri..

Si kurus vs si buntal..teheeee..

Bapa admired tuh sumandak..hehe.. @ Giant, Kolombong


And here are some pictures that i managed to snap while our short visit @ Tindakon Dazang Beach, Kudat

Sunny Saturday 

The driver ;)


Trio ;) Just arrived..

Hot & Salty haha

Entah apa nih ;p

Bapa & Intun

Gojesssss right? ^_^

Imon :)

I love the clouds!

Mandi time! yehaaaaa..

adehhh, bapa seksi!haha

Bapa said :masin!! hehe

I'm leaving a footprints..hehe..

See you guys in the next post..daaaaaa..

10 Things I love about Him

Ayeeeeee! Feeling lovey-dovey this morning..hehe.. Love is truly a miracles. Even we can't see each other as often as i want but just reading his texts really can put a wide smile on my face :D And i never felt he's apart a thousand miles away from me though.

Taken from #weheartit

Okay, here are the 10 things i love about him. We really don't spend much time together but i've learn pretty much about him..awwww ;)

#1. Simple. Okay, when i say simple it's really simple as simple as this simple word. He speak simple, he act simple, he wear simple. The only things that not simple to him is EAT!hahaa..

#2. Devoted. To his mom ;) anak mama ba dia..hehe..

#3. Caring. Sometimes, i'm suffocated when he care too much ;p but it's okay. I'm not goin' to complain bout that.

#4. Understanding. My ex-bf(s) teda yang memahami macam dia nih, semua mau menang sendiri. But with him sa pula yang kadang2 susah mau faham dia..hahaa..No matter how moody i am or how bad i treated him, he still tried to at least makes me amused. Weee...sweet laaa sgt *wink

#5.  Sense of Humor Funny. Paling nda tahan bila dia buat lawak. Sometimes, menyakitkan hati but still i laugh :) And also, he loves making faces..haha..ugly you know..teheee..

#6. Curious. If something is not satisfying him, he would ask and ask and ask. If the answer is not convincing, ready ja laa kena tanya beribu kali. Kalah-kalah CID..huuuu..idk why, i love these part of him. Even sometimes i got annoyed but i still feel secure.

#7. Singing. First time i heard him sing, i was like wOw! O.O he sing well and i likeee it. But i'll like it more if he sing my favourite song <3

#8. Football. Believe it or not, we shared the same passion, football. We both cheers for Manchester United ;)) Sanggup bangun awal pagi semata-mata mau tinguk bola..aiyeeeeeeee..mau kasi impressed dia baa kunun..hahaha..

#9. Confident. Yessss, he is a plus size person but he still got the confidence among his family and friends that he can do what normal people do. It's giving me an inspiration to stand out with my  personality without being low-self esteem and enjoying life. **cutee ba yang montel..siok jaa pelukk..hahaaa

#10. He loves me (^__^)
I'm not loving him just because of the 10 things, i love him in numberless forms, numberless times, in life after life and in age after age forever..