Me on weekend *sigh*

Weekend : Alone at home :((

When everybody are going out, am here alone stuck at home & the boredom almost kill me *white flag* could somebody save me? With super-mambo's lazy feeling, i do my laundry & wash the dishes left by my very honorable-housemates (dlm hati sa mgumpat, dasar pemalas!), sweeping and moping, tiding shelf and desk...tadaaaaa! it's done..hehe.. And now, it's time to treat myself a cozy rest while updating my belogg :) weeee.. To tell you the truth, i'm so hungry right now yet i'm so lazy to get some foods to stuff in into my stomach. And,  i'm craving for tomyam-mee..adoiiiiiiii! * my!my!my!saliva* teda yg mo bw sa jln so tahan sj laa..huhu..

lunch for today :(

Okey, since i'm still new here,  i've drafted a few things that i want to share with the other bloggers. Here's the plan : 
  • Tutorials - to guide bloggers to spice up their blog
  • Download Links- movies, Tv Series, mp3, e-book ( and of course it is based on my own favorite choice..hehe )
I wish that i will always have enough times to do all the stuff i planned since i'm quite busy with works. Sometimes, even i really want to and have a plenty of time to do so but who can fight the sleepy-syndrome anyway? hahaha..i just have to surrender myself to my bucuk-bucuk pillow and to my blanket that loves me so dearly :)) 

*SMS incoming ringtones* aiyaaaa, i told you not to text me right now..ngrrrrrrrrr! Baby, i hate you for doing this to me..( i lied :p ) Okey guys, seems like i have to read it. The phone keeps ringing...and my downloading also stopped. More to come so stay tune..muchos love! Happy Sunday