
Archive for 02/01/2012 - 03/01/2012

TUTORIAL Add Dashboard and Follow Button

Hi kamurang..
Ada ka blogger yg bulum tidur @ gontudau mcm sa?hehe..
Sementara tunggu PLL sa siap download, meh kita try2 ni tutorial. Sa pun baru buat juga.. :)) sinang bah kayeee..

Adding Dashboard and Follow button

Step 1 : Go to your Dashboard >Design>Page Element>Add Gadget>Html/JavaScript
Step 2 : Copy and paste the code below
<div style="display:scroll; position:fixed; top:5px; right:90px;"><a class="linkopacity" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Follow" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a><br /><div style="display:scroll; position:fixed; top:5px; right:2px;"><a class="linkopacity" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Dashboard" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></div></div>
Note : The one with red highlight, change with your Blog ID

Step 3 : How to get your blog ID : Go to New Post and copy your Blog ID as follow

 (jgn pula ko copy sa punya ID..heee)

Step 4 : Save

It's done..senang jaaa kan?  :))

Get well soon dad...

Holaaaa! How's your day today? :D Hope everything goes fine and doesn't missed it's track..

My internet now are ok..hehe..And i got two good news today. I checked my E-Mail and 2 company called me for an interview. Really hope i got a new job this coming march. I decided to resign this end of month and get a new job. Maybe a better place and the salary also good. Most important is the boss is okey (hopefully) or at least not as arrogant as my current boss...

But also i got bad news from my sister. My father is sick and nobody can take care of him.
 :( how i miss home now. And i'm sure if i was there my father have someone to look after him. He's too old to stay alone at home. Everyone is busy with  works...i really don't know what am i suppose to do.  I wish that my father will be getting well real soon. Will be home on next weekend.

I think that i have to stop here for now. I have to bath, eat my dinner and sleep early. I got an interview tomorrow afternoon. Wish me luck guys...

C E L C O M ~

Argggggh!My broadband connection really pissed me off!buli kena high blood laa kalu bgni hari2..Jam 1:00am baru dapat connect..itu pun cikai2 ja..adeiiiii..apa pun sa x dpt download.ngrrrrrrrrrr...sbb xdpt connect internet sa x dpt update belog ku yg tsyg ni..huhu..celcom mmg teruk! Iklan bkn main lg..wilayah celcom laa, ada x ada segalanya hampehhh!sa masi berada d kawasan yg dikatakan wilayah celcom tp line laju mcm sgt kecewa!! Nda lama sa tukar network la ni..Digi kaaa..ehh, blacklisted dah ni..huhu..Maxis laa..hmmm, ntahlaa..Any suggestion?

Will stop here now..i'm so sleepy. Good night everyone..nice sleep yah? :D  

Mr Yellow Man!

Okey guys, here's the story that happened few hours ago..

I took a half-day off today and went home around 1:00pm. With the tiredness and starving *starving to death, i tell you* i went to the bathroom, wash my face and rushing to the kitchen. I was thinking to cook for a meal but i am way too hungry to do that. I open the refrigerator, only found 1 pack of instant noodle ( why those kind of stuff has to be in refrigerator? *chuckling* ) Well, it's not mine but i took it. I boiled water and went back to my bedroom and go back to the kitchen again. After finishing my stolen borrowed instant noodles, i went back to my bedroom for a nap but i can't open my door. What the hell?!! It's locked! Panic for a moments and i really-really don't know how to open it cuz i only have 1 key in the entire world for that damn door and it was inside the bedroom. I tried almost everything i found to open but it doesn't work.  Well, am not a person with talent to break the door... Suddenly, i saw this tiny-yellow-hard card on the Tv's rack. I took it and tried to inset in between the door lock and pushed the door a bit hard and i did it! I successfully open the door :D It was the best master keys ever in the world.hahaha

Meet my limited-edition-spare-key, Mr Yellow Man :D

*Moral of the story : don’t stole your housemate’s instant mee or you get your karma! :p  ~ will buy pack of maggi tom yam and replace what i borrowed…hehe

Good day everyone! 

Instant Update!

Hello viewers... blog is empty.. * rolling eyes *
 I am so busy with customizing this blog that i even didn't realize it's been 5 hours searching some tutorials. Well, make-up'ing' blog is quite addicting to me recently. I never done this sorta thing before to my old rest-in-peace blog :p Plus, i'm busy with office-thingy and my boss also jeling2 me as i didn't realize he passing through my desk..boss x hensem,sbb tu x perasan..ngehehe
It's 4:44 pm's time to goooooo homey!
So guys, keep sneaking into my blog for more updates and wait for the grooming finish (yayyy!)

TUTORIAL : Install New Background

Get bored with your current background?  

How to install?
Step 1 : Go to your and select Dashboard ---> Customize
Step 2 : In your Template designer, select Background
Step 3 : Select upload image & here you can upload your new background
Step 4 : Change your background setting
Step 5 : Save your new background, click Apply to Blog..'s done! :) Enjoy your new background

A vulnerable heart talks :((

Suddenly, the happy mood disappears. The vulnerable part of me arise and keep making me questioning so many things which i logically think NO NEED. Perhaps, the loneliness that accompany me today made me jiwang²..hehe..

* A broken promises *
Scene : Janji Tarang Bulan

She promise me that she will help but until this very moment i didn't hear anything from her. I'd tried to text her several times as i couldn't reach her phone but there's no reply. I'm not going to ask what we've dealt before cuz i don't think i need it anymore. But apparently she tried to ignore me..that's what make me disappointed. I didn't force her to promise me back then, she's the one insisted to wait until she can help. I only can wait...

* Colleagues *
Character : Lady Gaga

She used to be my very-close-friend. Earlier of our friendship, she seems very nice to me & she's someone that i can talk to. Even when i'm in a very bad mood, she still trying to make me smile by her crestfallen face and telling me jokes ( biarpun inda lucu...) Who knows, she's now a girl that i hate the most. 2010, i got an opportunity to work in a same place with her & in the same department. And still, we get along very well. Not long after that, a new staff came and i'm easily attached with the new staff. Since that, i started to notice that she's really a different person. She lied to me, to Ms M ( no need to mention her name) and she lied to everybody. Also, i couldn't force myself to have a respect on her after i knew she's having a relationship with the boss ( skandal laa tu ). My perspective on her changed 360°. Adeiii, enough laa with this :(( someday, i'll share the story with you guys..bukan untuk memburuk²kan atau menjatuhkan dia, sekadar untuk kita jadikan pengajaran. I just hope that she'd realize her mistakes dan berubah kepada yang lebih baik.

* Mr Fiance *

Scene : Missing him ♥ ♥

I really wish you were here :(

** counting the sheep with hope i fall asleep **
Good night bloggers.. xoxo

Me on weekend *sigh*

Weekend : Alone at home :((

When everybody are going out, am here alone stuck at home & the boredom almost kill me *white flag* could somebody save me? With super-mambo's lazy feeling, i do my laundry & wash the dishes left by my very honorable-housemates (dlm hati sa mgumpat, dasar pemalas!), sweeping and moping, tiding shelf and desk...tadaaaaa! it's done..hehe.. And now, it's time to treat myself a cozy rest while updating my belogg :) weeee.. To tell you the truth, i'm so hungry right now yet i'm so lazy to get some foods to stuff in into my stomach. And,  i'm craving for tomyam-mee..adoiiiiiiii! * my!my!my!saliva* teda yg mo bw sa jln so tahan sj laa..huhu..

lunch for today :(

Okey, since i'm still new here,  i've drafted a few things that i want to share with the other bloggers. Here's the plan : 
  • Tutorials - to guide bloggers to spice up their blog
  • Download Links- movies, Tv Series, mp3, e-book ( and of course it is based on my own favorite choice..hehe )
I wish that i will always have enough times to do all the stuff i planned since i'm quite busy with works. Sometimes, even i really want to and have a plenty of time to do so but who can fight the sleepy-syndrome anyway? hahaha..i just have to surrender myself to my bucuk-bucuk pillow and to my blanket that loves me so dearly :)) 

*SMS incoming ringtones* aiyaaaa, i told you not to text me right now..ngrrrrrrrrr! Baby, i hate you for doing this to me..( i lied :p ) Okey guys, seems like i have to read it. The phone keeps ringing...and my downloading also stopped. More to come so stay tune..muchos love! Happy Sunday

a new life of mine :))

Hello bloggers.. :)

Finally, i'm here again..sitting comfortably in front of my laptop, with Dj Satomi's song blasting in my ears & with the ideas that keep rushing in my head to be spell out..

Hmm…blogging again makes me missin' my old blog. I created the old one for one purpose, to write everything about him, to let the world know how much he meant to me. But, we broke up and in the same time  i lost all the memories as i accidently deleted all the entries in it.Even though our relationship didn’t last longer, i’d love to keep all those memories, just to cherish what i have had before with him , to let myself appreciate everything that will comes to me in the future by learning all the mistakes i’ve done in the past cuz i know, once i lost it  i won't have it ever again with the same person. But, what to do? It's all gone now.Maybe there’s a reason for it or perhaps it doesn’t worth to keep? That's why, i end up here writing again in a new blog :)

It's been a few years now...and i managed to get over it and move on. Life is too short anyway so i stopped being so pathetic to keep cryin' over my true love (kenen)...haha..He (ex-bf ) used to be a love of my life and he was my groom-to-be. But, after breaking up i think that i am so stupid to trust him in a first place. He doesn't even care until i finally gave up on him. But still i thanked him for everything. It's a lesson for me to not to put a trust on someone hundred percent. 

Dear Ex-BF, 

if by chance you're reading this..i'm sorry.
i'm not insulting you or
aggravating you or whatsoever..i just trying to make it clear to myself 
that everything happened between us was our mistakes. i'm not going to blame you & i do 
hope you think that way too..I hope that you'll find your own happiness and my prayers goes to you everyday. still, we're friend, right? :D

A new year, a new hope & a new boyfriend..haha..not just a new boyfriend but now i'm engaged! ( fireworks ). He's someone i knew back then but we've lost contact for 10 years.We met again 2 years ago, fallen in love and he propose me and engaged. I really thanked God for what i have now. I am so blessed to have him (wink) and i'm going to love that man until my last breath..And again...that's why i am blogging again. Not to show off or something..i just want to share how beautiful life can be after a STORM and how beautiful the rainbow after the rain. I just want to show that there's still a H.O.P.E as long as you open your heart to love again..punya men byk again..hehe..And here it is..i'm uploading a pictures to share with..

meet my penyu penyu :)

penyu penyu making faces :D

I will share some of our  E-Day pictures next time :) Oh well, his name is Ricky Leary..penyu penyu was a nickname just to tease him..I think, enough for today. Even i feel there's something missing in here or gantung bilang orang dusun but i couldn't stand my eyes anymore..i'm sooooo sleepy..will meet you again in the next entry.ciao ~
