3 story In One!

Monday the 13th :) hehe..tiada kaitan so leave it..hello bloggers! Oh, am not so sure if there's still a readers here since i've been changed my url add..huhu..i just don't want to use the old url.

Well, the 13th GE pun suda berlalu. Tahniah la pada parti yang memerintah :( Even saya tak puas hati tapi siapalah saya untuk bercakap..'saya hanya semut kecil'.. Banyak benda yang mengelirukan dan keputusan sangat mencurigakan. Hanya Tuhan sajala yang tahu..Sebab ketidakpuasan rakyat, timbul pula racism issues. Memang bukan isu baru di Malaysia ni tapi sekarang sangat teruk. I just don't know how peoples think nowadays. Even the educated leader also sangat racis! Aiyaaaa..tak perlu la tunding jari menyalahkan orang lain padahal diri sendiri pun tak terurus. Sibuk nak penuhkan pocket masing-masing, sibuk nak kumpul harta kekayaan duniawi tetapi terlupa untuk berbuat amal untuk bekalan di akhirat nanti *geleng kepala*. 

I started doing yoga today *clapping hands* Feel so fresh and ringan after sweating berbaldi-baldi..aisey!.hehe. I've downloaded the yoga video for beginner. Memang best..wait until i finish my 2 weeks program. Will upload some pictures of me :)) For those yang nak start yoga macam saya, you may download it from play store ( Daily Yoga ). Or maybe from youtube. Boleh juga refer buku yoga kalau nak tapi download video lagi baik so you can see how exactly they do it.

And, i have a new born nephew, again. The little boy was born on day the of 13th GE, 2:30am (05.05.2013).

Easton Sunsulit Mazagi is his name. They named it after a bird. Saya pun tak berapa pasti cerita di sebalik burung tu but i guess ada lagenda pasal burung tersebut. Maybe macam burung pheonix tapi versi rungus? hehehe..who knows kan? :D Nanti saya tanya mummy Easton laa..hehe..

Okay laa..I need to fix something so will stop here. Until next post, bye!