What happened on June?

Finally, baru boleh buka. Punya bikin panas nih line internet. Sangat² teruk dan hampir² buat sa terjun bangunan! Damn! =,=

And oh.. hi people! I've been away since 31st of May and haven't update anything here..hadoiiiii! rindu mau merepek di sini :D I was just come back from KK week ago and sa masi demam. Masih sakit kepala tahap mau banging di dinding T_T .Teda ubat yang mujarab setakat ini so sa bertahan seja laa..uhuuu..I will start from the day i left home :) This will definitely a long post but never mind. So much to tell and more pic to share.

31st May -

Around 1:00pm, we departed to KK. Singgah KB skejap di car wash. And while waiting the car siap mandi kami ber'konica' laa sekejap kasi hilang boring menunggu.

At night, inilah habuan..haha! A bit drunk that time tapi memang enjoy laa..duduk ramai² bercerita, ketawa macam apa saja..weeee... I only remember to snapped this ;)

That day was Mr Fiance's birthday, too. Sad! cuz i can't celebrate it with him since dia sangat jauh di tanah melayu :( I only managed to wish him via phone. Tapi tak mengapa. Sabar seja la kan? I have my whole life baa kan mau celebrate..Pray for his health, luck and wealth and happiness. May God bless & guide him everyday. I love you baby *hugs*

1st June

Sempat jalan² di Kokol. Planning mau pi Kasih Sayang Resort tapi hujan! I can't take a pictures sebab kabus sangat tebal. On our way back home, sempat singgah di Summit Prayer tapi tutup so kami tengok dari main road saja..Isn't this amazing? I love the building!

Kokol Summit Prayer
*not so clear*

KK from the hill

2nd June

My niece's wedding day.

The Bride & Groom

The Bride's family

cutting the cakes! delish!! :D

yammmmm sennngggg!!

In Kadazan's custom :) love it!

si baju merah? ehemmm..he is my ex :))

Okay, enough for today! Line internet makin teruk..bikin panat sa ja! See you next time :D