
Archive for 06/01/2012 - 07/01/2012

I love my best friend.

Accept you as who you are.
Believe in having fun.
Cherish time together
Dream big dreams.
Enrich, comfort and delight.
Follow up and follow through.
Grow for ever memories.
Honor each other’s feelings.
Invite you into there heart.
Just call to you “How are you?”
Know when something’s up.

Best friend ring 

I maybe clueless and clumsy but i have friend who love me

Love you both dear ;D

When I cry you help me out
When I'm happy you hear me shout
When I grin you know I'm really mad
because you are my best friend

You can tell when I'm sad
You're there in thick and thin
You're my best friend
You hear me out when I want to talk

You help me out when I get mad
You are the bestest friend I've ever had
So hear me out when I say
You're the light in my day
You are the moon in my night
You shine very bright
You are the bestest friend I have
and I miss you

Marilyn made this for me last year :D

You see right through my pretenses
you look right through my mask
you know just when I need a hug
I never need to ask

You show up when I'm lonely
you stay when I'm depressed
all of my rude comments
you shrug away in jest

You see all my dark
you see all my light
you're always by my side
even when I'm not right

You cheer me when I'm sad
you catch me when I fall
How did you come to earn my trust,
when I trust no one else at all? 


p/s : Big HUG for everyone. Today is Hug Day. :D

What happened on June?

Finally, baru boleh buka. Punya bikin panas nih line internet. Sangat² teruk dan hampir² buat sa terjun bangunan! Damn! =,=

And oh.. hi people! I've been away since 31st of May and haven't update anything here..hadoiiiii! rindu mau merepek di sini :D I was just come back from KK week ago and sa masi demam. Masih sakit kepala tahap mau banging di dinding T_T .Teda ubat yang mujarab setakat ini so sa bertahan seja laa..uhuuu..I will start from the day i left home :) This will definitely a long post but never mind. So much to tell and more pic to share.

31st May -

Around 1:00pm, we departed to KK. Singgah KB skejap di car wash. And while waiting the car siap mandi kami ber'konica' laa sekejap kasi hilang boring menunggu.

At night, inilah habuan..haha! A bit drunk that time tapi memang enjoy laa..duduk ramai² bercerita, ketawa macam apa saja..weeee... I only remember to snapped this ;)

That day was Mr Fiance's birthday, too. Sad! cuz i can't celebrate it with him since dia sangat jauh di tanah melayu :( I only managed to wish him via phone. Tapi tak mengapa. Sabar seja la kan? I have my whole life baa kan mau celebrate..Pray for his health, luck and wealth and happiness. May God bless & guide him everyday. I love you baby *hugs*

1st June

Sempat jalan² di Kokol. Planning mau pi Kasih Sayang Resort tapi hujan! I can't take a pictures sebab kabus sangat tebal. On our way back home, sempat singgah di Summit Prayer tapi tutup so kami tengok dari main road saja..Isn't this amazing? I love the building!

Kokol Summit Prayer
*not so clear*

KK from the hill

2nd June

My niece's wedding day.

The Bride & Groom

The Bride's family

cutting the cakes! delish!! :D

yammmmm sennngggg!!

In Kadazan's custom :) love it!

si baju merah? ehemmm..he is my ex :))

Okay, enough for today! Line internet makin teruk..bikin panat sa ja! See you next time :D

Beluran Trip

 Aiyayaii! :)

Okay, due to the laziness syndrome and i still didn't get back my blogging mood and i really don't have an ideas what to write ; i just wanna share some pictures for you as i promised few days back. So, enjoyy! :))

St John The Baptist's Chapel

Just arrived ~ super tired =,=

This is where we used to lived 17 years ago and it's still stood firmly..hahaa..

Fishing time :) 

The sunset :)

Dinner :) Hasil pancingan di lopak

Comfortable bedroom for two :)

Inside the chapel

Sunday's school

The IKD's students

Baby Cherry..cute isn't she?

Mini pool! :D Dorang pun maju baaa..

Bright morning :))

More pictures next post so wait for my update! xoxo

p/s : sorry for the low quality pictures :D all pictures taken with my xperia 5megapixels..