So long March, Hello April

Everyone complained that they been fooled by friends. Well, yesterday is 1st of April which is everybody called April Fool. I'm not really into such thing as it's not giving me any benefits. I rather read my book than making myself looked like a silly person.

I miss my's doesn't working for the past few days. It keep restarting before home screen. I thought it was the battery but still the same even after i replaced with the new one. I asked my friend whom had the same phone with me..she suggested that i should repair it..

I miss my penyu penyu. It's been a week after he left. He was in KK for 5days..tak puas pun spend time with him.  And oh! He's a bit thinner than he was 3 month ago..hehe..We went to Tambunan, watched movies, karaoke, supper at our favorite place (Lido), Ice-cream, window shopping..hahaa...let's just say we're saving money that's why can't afford to shop anything. But, it's true. We've booked our pre-wed photography and paid 30% of the price. And, we're looking for pre-wed course but don't have any, yet. I think we should start planning for our big day from now as it's only 19 month left :D

For now, bye!