Again, i am here!

hi hi :)

it's been a while right? my last post was on 25th Sept last year and now sa macam x tau berblog suda..hihi..i keep giving excuses kan? ( i know!!) padahal memang banyak masa mo update pun.. it's not that i don't wanna do blog anymore, it's just that i don't know how to gather all the stories and write. well, i am not someone with talent bah in writing and all..( excuses again! ;p)

Many things happened all this while and oh! not to forget to mention i have a new born nephew now..

Baby Aldried Jared Jackelevon
DOB : 12.12.2012

Happy 3 month old baby Jared..aunt loves you so damn much!..macam baru semalam dia lahir :)

And, also my ex finally got married. How come he got married before me?! just wishing him all the happiness he deserve. At first, memang sa sedikit terganggu bila sa dapat tahu. I don't know why but it's make me a bit nervous. Frankly speak, i didn't expect him to settle down that sooner. But when i saw their wedding pictures, i cried my heart out. Well, it's not that i want him to come back to me cuma sa kesal sebab i saw him smile happily. It should be me to show him off that i am better and can be happy without him. I don't have a grunge over him, i just wanna make him see me live happily with someone else..argggh! napa ba ni kan? hahaha..just ignore this part laa... ;p

I made a few changes with my blog..kinda like it. I just want it appeared more light and cheerful. I'm using the existing header as i'm lazy enough to do my create my own..someday i guess. Even though, i can't stand the girlish header..hahahhaa!

I think that's it for now..Till next post, bye!