
Archive for 03/01/2013 - 04/01/2013

p/s i love you.

Dear Fiance,

No matter what i've done wrong,
No matter what i've mumbled,
No matter how rude i acted...
Don't give up on me.

I love you. Much.

Officially 1 year older..again!

" Birthday wishes from d people who care for u is just like God blessing u with a million dollar cheque. With these wishes one could live a long time. And i don't think of it as being another year older, i think of it as another year of having enjoyed a friend like u. Muchos gracias! ♥ "

No cakes, no candles, no gift and i'm alone on my birthday..sobsob! How i wish Mr Fiance were here..

But this really made my day. So sweet of him kan? :D Can't wait to meet him next friday..

Till next post, bye!

Do-It-Yourself mask


Di sebabkan jerawat yang rajin sangat timbul-timbul di muka ku yang mulus (mulus laa sangat!) ni maka sa merajinkan diri untuk buat mask sendiri. Actually, i'm out of my mask so sa buat sendiri laa. Jimat, tak perlu kos sampai puluh ringgit. Rasanya, hasil tetap sama..cuma kita kena keja sikit laa..eheee..

Mask ni senang ja buat, sambil makan pun boleh..hehe..Bahan-bahan pun yang paling senang kita dapat. Putih telur and tisu muka. Di sarankan guna tisu yang sedikit tebal sebab kalau guna yang nipis payah nak lekat. Some of you maybe pernah buat and maybe ada juga yang akan cakap 'Ooo..' sebab first time tengok..Dulu masa di Uni selalu buat ni dengan roomates. Rindu laa masa tuh.. T.T paling tak boleh lupa bila nak tunggu mask tu kering roomates pakat buat lawak.Hasilnya, muka jadi kedut-kedut sebab ketawa. Sangat dilarang ketawa yah, nanti kulit muka bekedut..serius! :D

Caranya..gunting / koyakkan tisu ikut size yang kamu suka sebanyak yang mungkin. Ambil putih telur, pukul sedikit dengan garpu dan masukkan garam. Cuci muka sebelum proses menampal sebab kalau muka berminyak susah mo melekat..takut jadi telur dadar pula nanti..haha.. Putih telur tu sapu di muka menggunakan jari atau guna brush blush yang tak digunakan lagi. Tampalkan cebisan tisu pada spot yang disapu putih telur tadi. Disyorkan start dari hidung dulu. Dah siap tampal seluruh muka, biarkan sampai kering. Bila dah kering, bukalah mask tadi dan bilas wajah anda dengan air suam..Ok? :D

.....masa nak tampal tisu tu jangan terlalu nipis and jangan terlalu tebal pula..Kalau nipis sangat tak berapa nak nampak kesan dan kalau terlalu tebal lama nak kering sebab memang gatal muka tuh.

That's all for now..cannot tahan already. Soooooo itchyy! 
Selamat Mencuba!

p/s : Happy Birthday to me..heeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Blog's name - help me!


Seharian memerah otak cari nama blog. To be exact, i've tried bermacam-macam nama tapi semua pun hampehh! I appreciate if you guys can pick me an unique name or help me to choose what i've found. Not so grand laa that nama but still i like it :D Here's the option..
1. Wait, what?
2. Brush & Colors.
...i'm make-up'ing my life based on what has been destined.
3. Ann, the hidden storyteller.
4. What i saw, what i heard & what i believe. **currently in use**

You can comment or leave a note in chat box. Thank you.

p/s : next week barulah buat pilihan..weeee, hopefully adala yang sudi tolong.. 

Again, i am here!

hi hi :)

it's been a while right? my last post was on 25th Sept last year and now sa macam x tau berblog suda..hihi..i keep giving excuses kan? ( i know!!) padahal memang banyak masa mo update pun.. it's not that i don't wanna do blog anymore, it's just that i don't know how to gather all the stories and write. well, i am not someone with talent bah in writing and all..( excuses again! ;p)

Many things happened all this while and oh! not to forget to mention i have a new born nephew now..

Baby Aldried Jared Jackelevon
DOB : 12.12.2012

Happy 3 month old baby Jared..aunt loves you so damn much!..macam baru semalam dia lahir :)

And, also my ex finally got married. How come he got married before me?! just wishing him all the happiness he deserve. At first, memang sa sedikit terganggu bila sa dapat tahu. I don't know why but it's make me a bit nervous. Frankly speak, i didn't expect him to settle down that sooner. But when i saw their wedding pictures, i cried my heart out. Well, it's not that i want him to come back to me cuma sa kesal sebab i saw him smile happily. It should be me to show him off that i am better and can be happy without him. I don't have a grunge over him, i just wanna make him see me live happily with someone else..argggh! napa ba ni kan? hahaha..just ignore this part laa... ;p

I made a few changes with my blog..kinda like it. I just want it appeared more light and cheerful. I'm using the existing header as i'm lazy enough to do my create my own..someday i guess. Even though, i can't stand the girlish header..hahahhaa!

I think that's it for now..Till next post, bye!